Blue Blood Wisdom with Ellyn Katherine

What the Coronavirus Means for Humanity

March 19, 2020 Ellyn Katherine Season 1 Episode 5
Blue Blood Wisdom with Ellyn Katherine
What the Coronavirus Means for Humanity
Show Notes

Are you experiencing physical ailments?

Is there fear around contracting the virus due to your low immune system?

Are you on a spiritual journey trying to listen to the guidance you are already receiving but haven’t noticed them before?

Our soul speaks louder to us by showing it in your bodies so what do your health symptoms tell you about aligning to your Soul?

It's easy to get plugged back into the matrix when there is so much fear and uncertainty, but I believe this pandemic crisis calls for a MAJOR up-leveling in our consciousness. 

Now is the time to step into a new paradigm and take responsibility for your own creations.

The Goddess Unleashed (pre)Game Starts on July 6th!

If you would like to take the next step in connecting with your inner Goddess and want to make your transformation easy and fun, come play a game where you're equipped with the tools to speed up your creations: ( Prizes included!)